Protista: A Look at Protozoans

Throughout the semester, we got a chance to take a look at the various kingdoms, not the least among them being Protista. I wanted to share my knowledge with you in an interesting new way we learned as a class just this past semester- an “Infographic.” With fewer words but more space for charts, colors, and connections, Infographics work great for getting an overview on a concept or for reviewing topics we’ve covered. The other wonderful thing is the number of various ways they can be done in, from hand drawings on paper, to draw in Google Drive, to some pretty cool online tools.

In putting this together, I got a chance to use “Visme” an Infographic tool that provides templates online to work off of. I had fun learning how to use it.

So next time you want to share information with someone, take a break from simple text-on-slides. Try this out. You’ll be amazed at the difference.

In class, we investigated protists under the microscope, learning about scale and making measurements at different magnifications in order to understand the size of the organisms we were examining. We got hands on experience in putting together microscope slides, and examining and drawing live, and in the case of protozoans, moving, organisms.

We Explored the world of protists, not just protozoans. We Dreamed of new categories and kingdoms into which to categorize them. We Examined their structures in detail using our skills at the microscope.

I hope you learned something.

Thanks for reading,


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